HELD 22157 TRAVEL 6.0
HELD 22157 TRAVEL 6.0
HELD 22157 TRAVEL 6.0
HELD 22157 TRAVEL 6.0

HELD 22157 TRAVEL 6.0


Art. No. 210648

5 Évaluations

Guide des tailles
PVC 79,95 € 2
69,95 € 1



  • Visor wiper
  • Stretch inserts on backhand, thumb and fingers
  • Knuckle protection with TEMPERFOAM special foam
  • Knuckles and knuckles padded, underlaid with shock-absorbing TEMPERFOAM
  • perforated leather inserts
  • palm/hand edge reinforcement with SuperFabric brand material
  • Reflective inserts
  • conductive material on the fingertips for operating smartphones
  • width adjustment at wrist and cuff with velcro straps
  • upper and lower hand made of goatskin
  • unlined
  • CE certified according to EN13594:2015

Manufacturer: Held GmbH | An Der Ostrach 7 | 87545 Burgberg-Erzfloesse | Germany | +49 832166460 | info@held.de | www.held.de


Caractéristiques du produit

  • Homologation: CertifiĂ© selon la norme EN 13594:2015
  • MatiĂšre dessus de la main: Cuir de chevre
  • MatiĂšre paume: Cuir de chevre
  • Membrane: sans
  • Renfort Ă©minence thĂ©nar: SuperFabric
  • Doublure: non doublee
  • CaractĂ©ristiques SupplĂšmentaires: sans
  • Taille ajustable: manchette et poignet
  • Protection des articulations: Mousse Temperfoam
  • Pays de fabrication: Pakistan

Aperçu des caractéristiques du produit

  • panneaux stretch
  • materiau reflechissant
  • Protection des articulation
  • protection dÂŽeleminence thenar
  • Essuie-visiere
  • Paume non doublee
  • Compatible avec les Ă©crans tactiles
Évaluations (5)
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