
Shoei Ex-Zero Equation TC-11

Full-Face Helmet

Art. No. 505836

2 Évaluations

Guide des tailles
PVC 529,00 € 2
349,95 € 1

Shoei Ex-Zero Equation TC-11 Full-Face Helmet

The new *Ex-Zero* motorcycle helmet from Shoei rides the crest of the retro wave that is sweeping over the motorbike scene But the concept behind this design classic is not really so "new" at all. Shoei developed the EX series way back in the 1980s. Today the shapes, colours and designs from that period are enjoying huge popularity amongst retro bikers, scramblers and cafe racers.
A special feature that singles the Ex-Zero out from other retro off-road helmets is that it has an integral and height-adjustable visor.

  • Visor: Integral CJ-3 visor, adjustable to three positions
  • Material: Fibreglass outer shell (AIM+ (Advanced Integrated Matrix))
  • Outer shell sizes: 3
  • Fastener: Double 'D' fastener
  • Weight: approx. 1150 g
  • Lining: Fully removable and washable
  • Ventilation: Chin vent
  • Certificates: ECE 22.05

Fabricant: SHOEI Distribution GmbH | Elisabeth-Selbert-Str. 13 | 40764 Langenfeld | Deutschland |


Caractéristiques du produit

  • Type de casque: Casque intégral
  • Matériau de la calotte extérieure: AIM Advanced Integral Matrix
  • Doublure: Doublure confortable
  • Homologation: ECE 22.05
  • Tailles de calottes: 3 Calottes
  • Écran: clair
  • Fermeture: Boucle double D
  • Autre caractéristique: 3 tailles de coques différentes
  • Compatible avec du Sena système de communication: 3S-B, 3S-W, 3S-WB, 3B-W
  • Pays de fabrication: Japon
  • Poids env.: 1250 Gramme

Aperçu des caractéristiques du produit

  • Aération menton
  • Doublure amovible
  • Mousses de joue amovibles
Évaluations (2)
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