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Liqui Moly DOT 4 is a synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers, alkylene polyglycols and glycol ether esters. It contains inhibitors that prevent corrosion of metallic brake components and reduce oxidation at elevated temperatures. Liqui Moly DOT 4 was specially developed to extend the service life of components in hydraulic brake and clutch systems in motor vehicles. The brake fluid has a high wet and dry boiling point. Special moisture flushing agents help to protect against the formation of vapour bubbles. Liqui Moly DOT 4 is miscible and compatible with all high-quality synthetic brake fluids. However, optimum service life is only guaranteed when used unmixed.
- Synthetic brake fluid
- Suitable for vehicles with safety systems such as ESP/DSC, ABS and/or ASR
- Ideal for use in all disc and drum brake systems, as well as clutch systems of motor vehicles for which a synthetic brake fluid of this specification is prescribed
- Can be used with all conventional brake fluid bleeding devices
- Miscible and compatible with all high-quality synthetic brake fluids
- Good viscosity-temperature behaviour
- Extremely high wet and dry boiling point
- High thermal stability
- Ensures good lubrication of all moving components in the hydraulic brake circuit
- Outstanding protection against vapour bubble formation
- Excellent elastomer compatibility
- Contents: 500 ml
Brake fluid attacks car paintwork; if spilt, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Do not use in mineral oil-based central hydraulic systems.
Caution. May damage the unborn child Suspected of damaging fertility. Manufacturer: Liqui Moly GmbH | Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 | 89081 Ulm-Lehr | Germany | +49 73114200 | |
Naar Liqui Moly artikeloverzicht
LIQUI MOLY - hightech-additieven voor je motor
Gebaseerd op een patent voor het vloeibaar maken van molybdeendisulfide (MoS2) werd het bedrijf in 1957 in het Duitse Ulm opgericht. Vandaag de dag is LIQUI MOLY een wereldwijd gerenommeerde specialist voor smeermiddelen en additieven. Speciaal voor motor-motoren heeft LIQUI MOLY een breed palet aan olie- en brandstofadditieven in zijn assortiment. Getest in de racesport. Voor een lang motorleven en optimale prestaties.
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