Belangrijke aanwijzingen
Using the latest grip technology and molding techniques, the ProTaper Lock-On Grip System offers the comfort and control of traditional grips with the added benefit of quick, effortless installation. This technology eliminates the need for glue and safety wire and ensures long-lasting, slip-free performance.
ProTaper's exclusive, super-slim clutch-side window core not only minimizes the outer grip diameter, but also provides critical relief areas for the palm and fingertips. The result is increased shock and vibration dampening over competing full core designs, leading to significantly improved comfort and control.
The grip surface uses a particularly supple sticky compound that is seamlessly molded to the inner core. This provides maximum comfort and traction and alleviates blistering. A firmer compound is used in the flange and end cap areas to resist crash damage and reduce wear.
Technical features:
- Easy installation, no adhesive or safety wire required
- Slim outer diameter (approx. 28 mm) to prevent arm pumping and hand fatigue
- Exclusive “window core” design provides more cushioning in critical areas of the palm and fingers
- of the palm and fingers, eliminating the rough feel of competing grip designs
- Dual compound core technology for comfort and grip
- CNC machined collet with 4mm pin to prevent slippage
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