Mounting kit for Rizoma indicators
Mounting kit for Rizoma indicators
Mounting kit for Rizoma indicators
Mounting kit for Rizoma indicators

Mounting kit for Rizoma indicators


Art. No. 10057799

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€ 14,50 1

Mounting kit for Rizoma indicators VOOR VÓÓR & ACHTER

The decision in favour of Rizoma indicators - top! Now all you need are mounting kits for the front and rear indicators. No problem, because Rizoma has these indicator mounting kits in its programme. For front and rear. One kit contains 2 pieces. The adapters are made of PVC. Each pair of adapters has been specially developed for the corresponding motorbike and provides the best possible mounting.
  • Material: PVC

Please note:
please remember that you may not need to buy a Rizoma rear indicator mounting kit when purchasing the Rizoma licence plate holder. In most cases, these are already included in the licence plate holder sets. Therefore, always check the technical information of the Rizoma licence plate holder to make sure that it includes the Rizoma rear indicator brackets.

Scope of delivery:
1 x Rizoma indicator mounting kit (front & rear)
Fabrikant: Rizoma Srl | Via Quarto 30/32/34 | 21010 Ferno | Italy | +39 0331242020 | |

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