Power Bike Shampoo
90 ML
Art. No. 10080042
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€ 5,99 2
€ 3,99 1
1 l = € 44,331
Je hebt de volgende artikelen toegevoegd aan je winkelwagen:
Power Bike Shampoo 90 ML
Contamination / dirt on the motorcycle can lead to scratches during shampoo washing (hand wash).
can lead to scratches. For the gentlest possible cleaning, we recommend using S100
Power Bike Shampoo as a pre-cleaner with a foam sprayer or foam lance and a subsequent hand wash as a shampoo.
hand wash as a shampoo.
New foam technology: Dynamic changes in the foam bubbles
ensure a micromechanical cleaning effect!
This actively loosens the dirt from the surface, binds it in the foam
and transported away from the surface.
Extremely powerful cleaning performance
Very gentle on all surfaces
Does not remove wax and sealing layers
Suitable for all surfaces
Rinse off coarse dirt with plenty of water.
With a foam lance (high-pressure cleaner): Pour undiluted product into the container.
With foam sprayer: Add 1.5 to 2 caps (one cap = 30 ml) to 1 liter of water. Lather up the motorcycle and leave to work for 2 to 3 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water
Use as a shampoo (hand wash):
Dose 2 to 3 caps into a bucket and lather vigorously with 5 L of water. Wash the motorcycle from top to bottom with S100 DER Wash Mitt - Premium Microfiber or S100 DER Sponge - Premium Microfiber. Then rinse thoroughly with clear water and dry the motorcycle.
Note: Do not use in direct sunlight or on hot paintwork. Do not allow foam or washing liquid to dry. Store the bottle protected from frost
can lead to scratches. For the gentlest possible cleaning, we recommend using S100
Power Bike Shampoo as a pre-cleaner with a foam sprayer or foam lance and a subsequent hand wash as a shampoo.
hand wash as a shampoo.
New foam technology: Dynamic changes in the foam bubbles
ensure a micromechanical cleaning effect!
This actively loosens the dirt from the surface, binds it in the foam
and transported away from the surface.
Extremely powerful cleaning performance
Very gentle on all surfaces
Does not remove wax and sealing layers
Suitable for all surfaces
Rinse off coarse dirt with plenty of water.
With a foam lance (high-pressure cleaner): Pour undiluted product into the container.
With foam sprayer: Add 1.5 to 2 caps (one cap = 30 ml) to 1 liter of water. Lather up the motorcycle and leave to work for 2 to 3 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water
Use as a shampoo (hand wash):
Dose 2 to 3 caps into a bucket and lather vigorously with 5 L of water. Wash the motorcycle from top to bottom with S100 DER Wash Mitt - Premium Microfiber or S100 DER Sponge - Premium Microfiber. Then rinse thoroughly with clear water and dry the motorcycle.
Note: Do not use in direct sunlight or on hot paintwork. Do not allow foam or washing liquid to dry. Store the bottle protected from frost
Fabrikant: Dr. O.K. Wack Chemie GmbH | Untere Au 9 | 85107 Baar-Ebenhausen | Germany | +49 8453 41995100 | info@wackchem.com | www.wack-group.com
Let op.
Veroorzaakt ernstige oogirritatie
Veroorzaakt huidirritatie
Fabrikantinfo: S100
Eersteklas kwaliteit made in Germany: S100 is marktleider voor motoronderhoudsproducten in Duitsland. Intensief onderzoek en ontwikkeling garanderen productoplossingen op de nieuwste stand van de techniek. Ontelbare testzeges in onafhankelijke vaktijdschriften en steeds weer innovatieve producten kenmerken het onderhoudsassortiment S100.
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